Magical minutes Organising Challenge

Do you want to start the new week feeling organised but don’t know where to start? Here’s a  challenge to start you off look for those magical minutes.

Finding the minute challenge

Got 10 minutes? De -clutter your handbag, remove receipts throw away those you don’t need to keep. Decide what actually needs to be in the bag and remove the rest.
Got 20 minutes? Go thorough one shelf of a bookcase. remove books you don’t want to keep and place them in a bag to drop off at the library or charity shop.
Got 30 minutes? Plan the contents of the next weeks lunch boxes and make the shopping list for all the ingredients

Using time productively is a challenge. Set the timer on your phone for the number of minutes you have available and challenge yourself to work until it goes off.

Simply Organised Solutions helping you when you don;t know where to start!